The Colombian Digital Nomad Visa

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Snapshot of the Digital Nomad Visa

  • 1. You can apply for the Digital Nomad Visa at any age, as long as you have an income from a source outside of Colombia in the amount of $3,900,000COP monthly.
  • 2. You will be required to provide a motivational letter showing what your future business plans are while you are living in Colombia.
  • 3. You will be required to get certain documents apostilled and legalised before making the application.
  • 4. You are able to apply for the Digital Nomad Visa either while in Colombia on a tourist visa, or from outside of Colombia in your home or other country.

An introduction to the Digital Nomad Visa

The digital nomad visa in Colombia is designed for individuals who work remotely for companies or clients located outside of Colombia. This visa allows remote workers to legally reside in the country while continuing their overseas professional activities. Introduced to support the influx of international remote workers, the visa aims to bring economic benefits to Colombia through their extended stay and expenditure.

Eligible applicants for this visa must prove that they have a stable source of income from foreign entities and must maintain health insurance coverage that is valid in Colombia. The visa is typically valid for up to two years and can be renewed under certain conditions. This visa is part of Colombia's broader strategy to adapt to the growing trend of remote work and to attract a diverse group of global remote workers to the country.


What are the benefits of obtaining the Digital Nomad Visa in Colombia as opposed to other countries

Being a Digital Nomad in Colombia offers several unique benefits compared to other countries. Some of these advantages include:

  • Cost of Living: Colombia has a relatively low cost of living compared to many Western countries and even some other popular digital nomad destinations. Housing, food, transportation, and entertainment are generally affordable, allowing digital nomads to enjoy a high quality of life on a moderate budget.
  • Vibrant Culture and Lifestyle: Colombia is known for its rich culture, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cities. From the bustling city life in Bogotá and Medellín to the beautiful coastal areas of Cartagena and Santa Marta, digital nomads can experience a wide range of cultural activities, festivals, and natural beauty.
  • Community and Networking: Colombia has a growing community of digital nomads and expats, especially in cities like Medellín. There are numerous coworking spaces, meetups, and networking events that provide opportunities for professional growth and social interaction.
  • Climate: Colombia's diverse geography means it has a range of climates to suit different preferences. Whether you prefer the cooler climate of the Andean regions or the tropical warmth of the Caribbean coast, you can find a place that matches your ideal weather.
  • Visa Options: The Digital Nomad Visa allows remote workers to stay in Colombia for an extended period (up to 2 years), providing stability and the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture without frequent visa runs.
  • Time Zone Advantage: Colombia's time zone (GMT-5) is convenient for those who need to coordinate with North American clients or employers, as it overlaps significantly with U.S. and Canadian business hours.
  • Language Learning Opportunities: For those interested in learning or improving their Spanish, living in Colombia provides an immersive environment with ample opportunities for practice and improvement.
  • Connectivity: Major cities in Colombia offer reliable internet and modern amenities, making it feasible for digital nomads to work efficiently. Additionally, many coworking spaces cater specifically to the needs of remote workers.
  • Healthcare: Colombia offers high-quality healthcare at a fraction of the cost compared to many Western countries. This is particularly beneficial for digital nomads who plan to stay long-term and might need access to medical services.
  • Travel Opportunities: Colombia's central location in South America makes it a great base for exploring the rest of the continent. There are numerous domestic flights and international connections to neighboring countries.

These benefits make Colombia an attractive destination for digital nomads seeking a balance of work, adventure, and cultural experiences.


What are the most popular locations in Colombia that Digital Nomads choose to settle in?

Here are six of the most popular locations in Colombia for digital nomads. There are a lot of pueblos and other small towns that are also popular, however as a law firm these cities are the most popular amongst out clients:


Known as the "City of Eternal Spring" Medellín boasts a pleasant climate year-round. It is the second-largest city in Colombia and has a reputation for innovation and urban development. Medellín offers a high quality of life, affordable living costs, and a thriving digital nomad community. The city has numerous coworking spaces, cafes with good internet, and networking events. The neighborhoods of El Poblado and Laureles are particularly popular for their safety, amenities, and social scenes.


As the capital city, Bogotá is a bustling metropolis with a mix of modern and colonial architecture. It sits at a high altitude, resulting in a cooler climate compared to other major cities in Colombia. Bogotá is the economic and cultural hub of Colombia, offering a vibrant arts scene, excellent restaurants, and numerous cultural attractions. The city's large expat community and many coworking spaces make it ideal for digital nomads. Additionally, its central location makes it a convenient base for exploring the rest of the country.


Cartagena is a historic coastal city on the Caribbean Sea, known for its well-preserved colonial architecture and vibrant nightlife. The city is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Cartagena attracts digital nomads with its beautiful beaches, historic charm, and lively atmosphere. The combination of coastal living and cultural experiences is appealing. While the cost of living can be higher than in some other Colombian cities, the scenic beauty and warm climate are major draws.

Santa Marta

Santa Marta is a coastal city located near the Sierra Nevada mountains and Tayrona National Park. It is the oldest surviving city founded by Europeans in Colombia. Santa Marta offers a laid-back lifestyle with easy access to stunning beaches, mountains, and natural parks. It is less crowded and more affordable than Cartagena, making it a great choice for nature-loving digital nomads. The city also has a growing number of coworking spaces and cafes catering to remote workers.


Known as the "Salsa Capital of the World," Cali is a vibrant city in southwestern Colombia famous for its lively dance scene and festive atmosphere. Cali's energetic culture, warm climate, and affordability make it an attractive destination for digital nomads. The city is also home to a friendly and welcoming community. While it is not as developed in terms of coworking spaces as Medellín or Bogotá, it offers a unique cultural experience and a slower pace of life.


Located in the heart of Colombia's Coffee Triangle, Pereira is a mid-sized city surrounded by lush coffee plantations and stunning landscapes. Pereira provides a peaceful environment with a lower cost of living compared to larger cities. The region's natural beauty, including hot springs and coffee tours, is a significant attraction. It is also a growing hub for digital nomads seeking a more tranquil setting while still having access to necessary amenities and coworking spaces.

These locations offer a variety of lifestyles and experiences, catering to different preferences and making Colombia a diverse and appealing destination for digital nomads.


Do I need to pay taxes in Colombia if I am on the Digital Nomad Visa?

There is no simple one answer suits all to this question, as each persons circumstances are different. However, foreigners in Colombia on the Digital Nomad Visa may be subject to local taxes depending on their duration of stay and their income sources. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Tax Residency: In Colombia, an individual becomes a tax resident if they spend more than 183 days in the country during a calendar year or in any 365-day period. Tax residents are required to pay taxes on their worldwide income.
  • Non-Resident Taxation: If a digital nomad stays in Colombia for less than 183 days and is not considered a tax resident, they are typically only subject to taxes on their Colombian-sourced income. Income earned from foreign sources is generally not taxed for non-residents.
  • Double Taxation Agreements: Colombia has double taxation treaties with several countries to prevent double taxation on the same income. These agreements can provide tax relief or exemptions, depending on the specific treaty provisions.
  • Social Security Contributions: Foreigners working remotely for non-Colombian companies might not need to pay Colombian social security contributions. However, this can vary based on individual circumstances and agreements between countries.

Given the complexity of tax regulations, it is advisable for digital nomads to consult with a tax professional or legal expert such as Colombia Law Connection to understand your specific tax obligations.


What restrictions do I have on the Digital Nomad Visa while living in Colombia?

As a digital nomad visa holder in Colombia, you have certain restrictions and guidelines to follow:

  • Work Restrictions: You are allowed to work remotely for companies or clients based outside of Colombia. However, you cannot engage in local employment or provide services to Colombian companies or clients.
  • Duration of Stay: The digital nomad visa typically allows you to stay in Colombia for up to 2 years. Ensure you comply with the visa duration and apply for an extension if needed before your visa expires.
  • Tax Obligations: While the visa itself does not impose tax obligations, your tax residency status is determined by the amount of time you spend in Colombia. If you stay for more than 183 days in a calendar year, you may be considered a tax resident and subject to Colombian taxes on your worldwide income. It's advisable to consult a tax professional to understand your tax obligations.
  • Business Operations: You are not permitted to start or operate a business in Colombia under the digital nomad visa. If you wish to start a business, you may need to apply for a different type of visa.
  • Health Insurance: You may be required to have health insurance that covers you during your stay in Colombia. Ensure you have adequate health coverage as per visa requirements.

These restrictions are designed to ensure that digital nomad visa holders use the visa for its intended purpose—working remotely for foreign companies—while respecting local laws and regulations.


What are the requirements for applying for the Digital Nomad Visa?

To apply for the Colombian digital nomad visa, here are the primary requirements you'll need to meet:

  • Proof of Income: You must demonstrate a monthly income of at least three times the Colombian minimum wage, roughly COP3,900,000 or equivalent, which can be verified through bank statements.
  • Valid Passport: Your passport should be valid for at least six months beyond the period you plan to stay in Colombia.
  • Health Insurance: Comprehensive health insurance coverage for accidents, illnesses, hospitalization, and repatriation for the entire duration of your stay is mandatory.
  • Application Documents: Essential documents include a passport-style photo, a motivational letter if you're an entrepreneur, and a letter from your foreign employer detailing the remote work arrangement. If already in Colombia, you might need to show the last entry stamp in your passport.

These requirements ensure that digital nomads have sufficient financial resources and health coverage during their stay in Colombia.


What type of people normally apply for the Digital Nomad Visa?

People who typically apply for a digital nomad visa include a diverse range of professionals who can work remotely and are not dependent on the local economy of the host country. Here are some examples:

  • Freelancers: Individuals who offer services online, such as writing, graphic design, digital marketing, or programming. They work on a project basis for clients globally.
  • Remote Employees: Workers employed by companies in other countries who are allowed to work remotely. This could include roles in tech, finance, customer support, and more.
  • Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Founders of online businesses or startups who can manage their operations from anywhere. They might travel to different countries while continuing to run their businesses remotely.
  • Consultants: Professionals who provide expert advice in areas like management, education, engineering, or healthcare, often working with international clients and needing the flexibility to be in different locations.
  • Creative Professionals: Artists, musicians, writers, and other creatives who draw inspiration from travel and can perform their work from any location.

These individuals choose the digital nomad visa for the legal right to live and work in a new environment without compromising their professional obligations. The appeal often includes experiencing a new culture, exploring different parts of the world, and enjoying a flexible lifestyle that traditional office jobs cannot offer.


An outline of the application process

Applying for the Colombian digital nomad visa involves several steps and detailed documentation. Here's a comprehensive overview of the application process:

  • Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet all the necessary criteria, including proof of remote work for a foreign company, a minimum income of COP3,900,000 per month, and valid international health insurance. A valid passport and a clean criminal record are also typically required.
  • Gather Required Documents: Before starting your application, you should prepare and digitize all necessary documents. These usually include your passport, a recent passport-style photo, proof of income (such as bank statements for the last three months), proof of health insurance, and a letter from your employer or, if self-employed, a description of your business and income sources.
  • Submit Online Application: The application must be submitted through the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' online portal. You'll need to fill out the digital form, upload your documents, and pay the application fee, which is around $52 USD.
  • Wait for Processing: The processing time can vary but is generally around 30 days. During this time, you can check the status of your application online. If additional documents or corrections are needed, you'll be notified.
  • Pay Visa Fee and Receive Your Visa: Upon approval, you'll need to pay a visa issuance fee, which ranges from $170 to $230 USD depending on various factors, such as whether you're applying with family members. After the fee is paid, the visa will be delivered electronically, usually within ten days.

This visa offers up to two years of residency with the possibility of renewal, allowing for a significant period of remote work within Colombia. During your stay, you're not required to pay taxes on foreign-earned income unless you spend more than 183 days in the country within a year, potentially making you a tax resident.


Why use Colombia Law Connection for your Digital Nomad Visa application?

At Colombia Law Connection, we specialize in assisting foreigners with their legal needs in Colombia, particularly when applying for the Digital Nomad Visa. Here's why you should consider using our services:

  • Expert Legal Guidance: Our team is well-versed in Colombian immigration law and is up-to-date with all the latest regulations and requirements. We provide expert guidance to ensure that your visa application is completed accurately and complies with all legal standards.
  • Native English-Speaking Team: Communication is key, and our native English-speaking attorneys ensure that there's no miscommunication or misunderstanding about your legal needs and the details of your application.
  • Efficient Processing: We understand the value of your time. Our familiarity with the Colombian legal system allows us to navigate the process efficiently, potentially speeding up the approval of your visa.
  • Personalized Services: We offer personalized attention to each client, ensuring that all your specific circumstances and needs are considered. This tailored approach helps in accurately addressing the unique challenges you might face during the application process.
  • Troubleshooting and Support: Should any issues arise during your application process, our team is skilled in troubleshooting and resolving these matters quickly and effectively, providing you with continuous support throughout.
  • Peace of Mind: By handling the complexities of the visa process, we give you the peace of mind to focus on planning your relocation and work in Colombia without the burden of legal stress.

Using Colombia Law Connection for your Digital Nomad Visa application means partnering with a team that stands by you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth transition into your new life and work in Colombia. For more detailed information about how we can assist you, please contact us directly at Colombia Law Connection.